

-- Personal Log --

Kill: Makkal Hanaya (Capsule)

Pop goes the Makkal. That's one way to get rid of a shoulder injury.

 I am incredibly proud of this though: Kill: Bruggmire (Scimitar)

I sat off field until the FC told tackle to warp to him, and I was the first to respond. I managed to burn 100k to Bruggmire while making the correct spiral shape,  I warp disrupted them and called in fleet comms that I'd done, I continued to spiral until I was in warp scram range and applied that as well. I think spent two minutes swirling around him firing my (useless) guns while various other peoples fired on me. I broadcasted for repair when needed.

It's not that I got on a killmail or that I tackled him, it's that I did everything correctly.

Every i dotted, every t crossed.

Though I've been in a number of fights since I joined RDC and I've been on a (small) number of killmails, but I'd never done it right. Tonight I did.

I want to share this with someone, but I have no idea whom. The Chūjō is busy. Morwen is having serious personal problems. Steffanie wouldn't understand. Ayallah would tell me about the dozens of times she's easily done the same thing. Silas would...

Silas is being Silas right now. She wants something and she wants me to provide it even though I lack the means, ability, or (honestly) inclination to do so. I'd swear she were setting me up for failure, but her reaction to my first 'I can't do this' implies otherwise. The epic tale of how I tackled a Scimitar would likely not amuse her.

Still, I feel good about it, and that's probably more than the drug cocktail they pumped into my clone while I immediately reshipped at work.

Speaking of drugs, Kor gifted me with and interesting bottle of alcohol (can't read the label) and a troupe of male and female exotic dancers. I think he's teasing me but it seems to be good-natured.

Okay, the Gentility is docked at Jita and I need to get some cranial upgrades.

-- End Log --